Does Islam promote the use of technology?

on Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Today’s materialistic approach to scientific advancements has definitely granted somewhat physical comfort to a man, but the mental and spiritual comfort is still lacking. Islam advocates the incorporation of knowledge about religion and scientific learning to the fullest and its use to the benefit of mankind, as well.

On theoretical account, the ideology of Islam is a generic view of the universe and life. Therefore, a Muslim is required to gather the knowledge about religion and the world. In the time of ignorance, Islam was the only religion which took the world out of the darkness and misery. Islam brought the intellect among the Muslims within a few years’ time which made them more civilized and polished in their daily life activities. Those people acquire the knowledge from Islam and understand the fact that cognition is important for the benefit of mankind. They practically applied it to such a level that they exceeded all other nations in progress and growth and stayed at the top for many centuries.

The history of Islam is enriched with ingenious examples of science and culture. When Europe was no way near development, the Muslims were taking giant steps in many fields like astronomy, architecture, geography, literature, mathematics, medicine, physics and documentation of history. Many new systems were inherited to medieval Europe from Muslims, such as algebra, numerals with the zero vital principle, advanced mathematics and navigational maps.

The religion of Islam has never opposed any modern inventions that are fruitful to humanity. The only thing essential is that these inventions must be used in the name of Allah and His purpose because these gadgets and devices have no religion and can be used for either good or evil. An example of a simple knife is very valid that it can be used to slaughter a goat or to harm a human being. Also, the use of internet can teach education but can also provide iniquity. So basically, it is up to the person who chooses the right path or the wrong one. The person is the one who will make the decision that whether he will use it for the benefit or the harm of himself or others. If the person fails to reap the benefit, then he is depriving from the teachings of Islam.

It is an obligation on everyone in Islamic society to educate themselves in both religious and worldly matters. In addition, it is equally essential for the qualified people in the society to enhance their knowledge in other fields, as well. Islam teaches Muslims to seek knowledge as did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in this saying, “For one who treads a path to knowledge, Allah will make easy the path to Paradise.”

Allah Almighty in the Holy Qur’an describes the knowledge and the importance of its acquisition on numerous occasions, a few are as follows:

“Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge by degrees.”[58:11]

The Verses of the Holy Qur’an promote studying and thoughtfulness about the universe that is around us and is linked with the information which can be useful for the humanity. The Verses of the Holy Qur’an encourage the Muslims to look into all matters and investigate, but on the other hand, the Holy Book refers to a vast range of subjects which have been proven accurate scientifically. This is the fulfillment of Allah Almighty’s statement over 1400 years ago:

“We will show them Our signs in the horizons, and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth.”

Hence, a Muslim having an honest and dedicated intention to acquire knowledge, it will also affect his faith in a positive manner because knowledge strengthens the evidence of the existence of the Creator and helps in supporting many scientific hints found in the Holy Qur’an.

Not a single scientific fact has contradicted with the teachings of Islam. Every modern day scientific discovery adds to the knowledge of a Muslim about the Almighty’s magnificent creativity. Therefore, Islam heavily supports science and the study of Allah’s signs in the universe that surrounds us. It also promotes technological advancements for the beneficial purposes.

So, for a Muslim, the religion comes from Allah and so does His systems of development and growth therefore, the conflict between science and religion becomes meaningless.

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