What does Islam says about abortion?

on Wednesday, March 13, 2013

When a fetus is 4 weeks old, it develops a hearth and thus it becomes a living thing, as proved by medical research. In Islam, human life is very much valued, this is why suicide is declared as harem, and killing of another human being is also a great sin. It is mentioned in the Qu’ran that killing Allah’s creation (which can be any living thing, animal or human) is a very serious matter. In the Qu’ran it has also been mentioned that those parents who have killed their child will also be brought to trial at the Day of Judgement and their babies will be the witness against their own parents, this verse mentioned in the Quran refers to abortion.

Most of the time we hear that having more children leads to poverty as upbringing of a child costs a lot, in medical charges to educational charges. In the Quran it has been directed to parents, even with the fear of poverty do not slay your child, Allah will provide everything for the parents and for the child. The parents should only hope and ask everything for Allah, because He has already planned for everything. And is the best planner of all. Allah gives life to everything and no human should have the right of killing that life. With all this we come to the conclusion that abortion is prohibited in Islam.

A child is a blessing for the parents and they are a gift from Allah. A child brings happiness to the family and completes the meaning of it. Killing a child in the mother’s womb means killing it intentionally and ignoring the blessing of Allah. Islam is a very practical religion and there are some cases in which what is prohibited can be allowed, for instance if a woman is pregnant with a child and the fetus is life threatening to her than the abortion can be accepted. Daily, we hear many cases in which either the mother or the baby can be saved, in this case abortion is acceptable, while in other cases Islam doesn’t allow abortion. There is one more case in which abortion is involved, this is getting pregnant by rape, and in this case abortion is also acceptable. There is another option for the raped women, if she is alone and too poor, she can carry the baby and after birth can give it to orphan house or to a couple who cannot conceive a child due to medical reasons.

These days, respect for both women and men have been lost completely. The world is moving into a dark place, men and women are getting sexually involved before marriage which is resulting in pregnancy thus resulting in high  abortion percentage. Both getting involved sexually before marriage, and abortion is Haram.

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