The ease of being a Muslim

on Saturday, March 9, 2013

The hardships of being a Muslim have been discussed on countless platforms among non-Muslims; so many times that it gets hard not to comment on it. The point of reference is, as mentioned earlier, that the topic has been discussed by “non-Muslims”. If one has to know what it is to be a Muslim or how hard it is to be one, a person must embrace the religion from within and only then can a person judge whether Islam is rigid or flexible.

Contrary to common knowledge, Muslims believe Islam to be the safest, easiest and purest way of life in all the aspects that a life can have. This belief has become a pivotal force in the Muslim faith not just by Hadith and Quran, but by real life practices and experiences. Islam; the religion of peace as the world calls it, spread the message of kindness in the purest form. Contrary to other religions, Islam is a complete way of life and that means living in this world, doing all the worldly things BUT in an Islamic way. The religion of Muhammad PBUH never stops a person from free will until or unless it is something that is contradictory to the way of nature, or the general moral values, or direct command of God almighty.

As mentioned in numerous places in the Quran, God has termed this religion as an easy way, many books of Hadith quote from the Prophet that God has made its religion easy for us. To actually understand the meaning of ease we must first understand the global concept of it; would it not be easy for all human kind if there was order everywhere? That’s where God’s word comes in as direct commands of abstinence. Would it not be easy for us if there was a check on everyone who violated rules that are in place to put this universe in its best possible condition? That is where the wrath of God comes in. Would it not be easy if we chose a code of life that gave us advice on any and everything that we may encounter in our lives? That’s where Quran and Hadith come in.

Muslims all over the world have loved this religion and its teachings with all their heart, and it has been so for a millennium and a half now. Compare that with the fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world; this would not have been true if Islam was as tough or ruthless or uncompassionate as the West thinks.

I’ll wrap up with this; if everyone is lighting candles for the others, no one will have to bear the dark, neither the others nor you – and Islam teaches us to do just that, light a candle for our brethren.

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