Difference between Quran and Bible

on Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The fundamental differences between Quran and Bible are on the basis of faith and practices in both religions. The manuscript of Bible has been written by many authors as compared to Quran in which the writings show that it is an account made by God Himself. Quran is a complete book and Bible consists of 66 small books from which 18 books consist of signs of their origins because they were reveled upon some Prophet but other books had no claims to their origin. No self referencing is seen in Bible because the word “Bible” has not been used in it on the other hand Quran consists of self referencing. There are many miracles prophecies mentioned in Bible in contrast there are no miracles record because Quran is a miracle itself.

Although Quran accepts that Torah and Gospel both are the books reveled upon different Prophets but at the same time the concept of crucification of Jesus is not stated in it. According to Quran Jesus did not rise from the dead in contrast to Bible. The concept that Jesus was the begotten son of God is also a misconception that is found in Bible but not in Quran. Quran depicts oneness of Allah and accepts Jesus (PBUH) as His prophet. There is no son, no parents and no one equal to God. Bible also teaches the concept of Trinity which is understood as the father (God), the son (Jesus), and Mary.  Bible depicts that man is considered as a sinner and needs salvation which can only be achieved through faith as compared to Quran which states that man is born good not evil and if one want to achieve salvation than it can be  achieved through hard work and sincerity.

Besides these differences there are many other small differences between Quran and Bible. Some differences are based on historical facts rather than being doctrinal in nature. According to Quran Prophet Noah managed to escape the flood and his son was drowned in the flood but according to Bible Prophet Noah had managed to escape the flood with his wife, his three sons and their wives. The differences between Quran and Bible are found in their worst scenarios about Prophet Mosses. According to Quran Prophet Mosses was adopted by Pharoah’s wife but according to Bible he was adopted by Pharoah’s daughter.

Other differences between Quran and Bible are Muslims belief according to Quran that Prophet Ibrahim was offered at the altar by Abraham but Christians believe according to Bible that Prophet Isaac was offered at the altar. Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated by the Muslims on the basis of Quranic Surah where it is mentioned that after sacrificing the animal, only the dedication or godliness shall reach Allah not the blood or flesh of the animal. Bible on the other hand provides another view and it is stated that those families will escape from the judgment of God which apply the blood of sacrificial animal on the doorpost of their homes.

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About the author


I am 20 years old from Karachi, Pakistan. I am doing graduation from Karachi University. Right now, doing freelance writing for Muslim Academy.

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