Are You Fortunate? – A Hadith About Luck

on Sunday, October 14, 2012

Are you fortunate?

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “How lucky is that man who adopts humbleness without having scarcity, who considers himself inferior without having to beg for anything, who spends his own earned money in the right causes without disobeying Allah, who is kind to those having little means, and who remains in the company of learned men”

Source: Tibrani

In this Hadith we are told that a person is fortunate if…

  • he is humble regardless of having that which makes people proud.
  • earns and spends in the path of Allah.
  •  is kind to those less privileged.
  • he benefits from the companionship of the educated.

Having wealth does not make one fortunate; but having earned it honestly, by one’s own hands and, having spent it on things which earn Allah’s pleasure, while obedient to Allah (subhana wa ta’ala), are what entitles one to be counted among the lucky. Wealth that is accompanied by egotism and ignorance (ignorance of what will earn Allah’s pleasure), is extremely ill-fated.

So, are you lucky?

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